Seijaku Basics in Minneapolis with Dan Pienciak
June 30, 2019 - July 2, 2019
Post conference with Teacher Trainer Daniel Pienciak
Please join us as we deepen our understanding of Seijaku and its potential. Seijaku, “Serenity in the midst of activity,” is a gift Justin Stone designed especially for T’ai Chi Chih teachers to enhance our own practice and to share with our most serious students. Part of his maximum chi program, Justin stated that it is one of the deepest forms of moving meditation, offering advanced benefits.
T’ai Chi Chih students (who have been practicing TCC for one year or more), Accredited T’ai Chi Chih teachers who wish to prepare for Seijaku Teacher Accreditation and Accredited Seijaku teachers who have not attended a Seijaku course in the last 3 years are all invited to attend. In addition, Accredited Seijaku teachers may wish to observe the teaching methodology used to assist in the development of their own Seijaku courses.
The course will meet from 4 pm Sunday through noon on Tuesday.
Please Register Early to Reserve Your Space!
Accommodations To book your hotel room please register directly with Minneapolis Marriott Southwest or by calling them: 888-887-1681.
The cutoff date to make a reservation is 6/10/19. If you are attending the T’ai Chi Chih Teachers’ Conference let the hotel know when you make that reservation that you will be staying for the Seijaku Workshop. The hotel staff has assured us that their food choices are sufficient to cover all dietary preferences. If you have dietary restrictions and/or special needs requirements please contact the course host.
Transportation Uber or Lyft are online services that require an easy to navigate app on your phone or device. Multiple taxi companies and the Super Shuttle serve both terminals at the airport.