Justin Stone’s

Daily Meditations

26 4×6″ postcards

Donations & Sustaining Monthly Memberships:

  • The Vital Force is a federally registered 501(c)3, and donations are deductible to the full extent of the law.
  • Donations are warmly welcomed and vital to sustaining our outreach.
  • Donations are efficiently, effectively and measurably employed and 100% dedicated to spreading the word about T’ai Chi Chih.
  • Become a sustaining member below — with a monthly, recurring gift of any amount.

Your donation helps to:

Examples of your donations at work:

    • $5/monthly: for MailChimp email marketing GIFTED
    • $30/monthly: for Zapier data automation
    • $30/monthly: for AirTable data automation
    • $38/monthly: for web hosting fees — including WordPress security, plugin updates, optimization, and SSL
    • $6.50/monthly: for Quicken
    • $685 (one-time): to digitize 20 years of Justin Stone archival videos GIFTED
    • $750 (one-time): to edit and post 20 years of Justin Stone archival videos
    • $450 (one-time): to digitize 20 years of Justin Stone archival audio tapes
    • $500 (one-time): to edit and post 20 years of Justin Stone archival audio tapes
    • $2,750 (one-time): to create a ‘Principles’ or ‘Comments’ or ‘Movements’ card deck with 36 hints/tips by Justin Stone (print run 250) … included as a thank you gift: you’ll be sent 10 boxes of cards
    • $380 (one-time): to design a new 19-pack set of ‘quotation cards’ (postcards with Justin Stone’s quotations) … included as a thank-you gift: you’ll be sent four sets of printed cards
    • $1,140 (one-time): to print 500 sets of glossy ‘quotation cards’ (19 postcards with Justin Stone’s quotations) that inspire students to practice regularly … included as a thank-you gift: you’ll be sent 10 sets of printed cards
    • $500 (one-time): to print 6,000 double-sided T’ai Chi Chih postcards for use by teachers promoting TCC at classes and events … included as a thank-you gift: you’ll be sent 200 cards; cards are distributed free to teachers
  • $350,000 (one-time): to endow The Vital Force, as a free publication for all, in perpetuity

Other ways to give:

  • Bequeath assets to The Vital Force in estate planning
  • Gift stocks to maximize tax efficiencies in capital gains
  • Give through an employer’s matching program, thereby doubling your contribution
  • Donate by check to The Vital Force, 7701 Cedar Canyon Pl NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122
  • Email us here

Thank you! 👇👇🏾⬇

One-time Donations

The Vital Force (and taichichih.org)

a Vital Force & taichichih.org One-Time Donation


Subtotal $10.00

Processing fee $0.61

Donating today: $10.00

Monthly Giving

The Vital Force (and taichichih.org)

a TCC Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation

Having trouble donating? Call Kim at 617-901-9628. Or email Kim here.

Justin Stone’s

T’ai Chi Chih

Video Subscription

Just $3.99/mo