Justin Stone’s

Daily Meditations

26 4×6″ postcards

T’ai Chi Chih Teacher Accreditation


T’ai Chi Chih®, Joy Thru Movement is spreading around the world, and there is a great need for new teachers. It is a tremendous responsibility to teach the T’ai Chi Chih movements, and our teaching community holds very high standards for those who wish to become teachers. Those interested in teaching must attend a TCC Intensive led by a teacher trainer and work with two accredited teachers to receive proper preparation. When the teachers determine a student is capable and ready to attend an Accreditation course, they will sign a. Teacher Candidate Referral form.

Justin Stone, the originator of T’ai Chi Chih, asked that it only be taught by accredited T’ai Chi Chih teachers, so becoming accredited through this course is required before one can begin teaching the T’ai Chi Chih movements.

Course Description

Accreditation courses are offered online and in person, usually 2 to 4 times a year.  The size of each is kept fairly small (8 – 15 students) to provide significant personal attention. Many accredited teachers also audit the course to continue their study of T’ai Chi Chih and to provide support for course attendees.

The primary purpose of a T’ai Chi Chih Teacher Accreditation course is to prepare prospective teacher candidates to successfully teach T’ai Chi Chih with sincerity and integrity. The course provides candidates with the opportunity to refine their T’ai Chi Chih movements, explore the deeper aspects of TCC, and develop skills in teaching TCC as well as giving presentations, finding teaching locations, and setting up classes.

The first two days of the course are devoted to reviewing and refining How to Move properly. The focus then shifts to how to teach. It is very important that candidates come well-prepared.  If they don’t understand how to move correctly, they will be unable to focus on learning how to teach properly, and the value received by all attendees will be diminished.

The accreditation process is not a mere formality, and teaching T’ai Chi Chih is not something to be taken lightly. Accreditation to teach T’ai Chi Chih must be earned, and attendance at a Teacher Accreditation course does not guarantee accreditation.

Cost and Duration

In-person T’ai Chi Chih Teacher Accreditation courses are six days long.  Online courses spread the six-day course over 8 to 10 days to better manage screen time. The course fee is $650 and does not include travel, meals, or lodging. In-person courses are usually offered in retreat settings that provide attendees with meals and lodging for a reasonable price.

Preparation Process

All students who wish to attend a T’ai Chi Chih Teacher Accreditation course must attend a teacher trainer-led TCC Intensive and be referred by two active accredited teachers. This helps guarantee that students who attend are properly prepared and allows all course participants to explore the depths of the T’ai Chi Chih discipline during the accreditation process.

Students who are interested in registering to attend a Teacher Accreditation course must:

  • Read and complete the Teacher Candidate Preparation Guidelines, which are on the 2nd page of the Referral form, and use them to prepare for accreditation.
  • Attend at least one TCC Intensive led by a teacher trainer and as many other classes, Workshops, Retreats, and Intensives as possible. Also, a Teacher Prep course by an experienced teacher who is current on what is required for accreditation is invaluable.
  • Work with two active, accredited T’ai Chi Chih teachers to review their movements and receive feedback on how to move correctly. It is highly recommended that at least one of the teachers has attended an Intensive or audited Accreditation recently, and understands what is currently expected of them in preparing a candidate for accreditation. This process of refinement may last for months, or even years, depending on the maturity and ability of the student.
  • Not everyone is meant to become an accredited TCC instructor. Only if the referring teachers determine a student is capable and ready to proceed will a referral be made. Referrals remain valid for six months from the date of the second teacher’s signature. Download the Teacher Candidate Referral form.
  • It is important for candidates to let the course host know well in advance that they are preparing for a particular Accreditation course. Sending in their registration and deposit will hold their space, pending receipt of their two referring teacher signatures.
  • Intensives and Teacher Accreditation courses are listed here and in the “Calendar of Events” section of every issue of The Vital Force, Journal of T’ai Chi Chih, and in the TCC Guide’s monthly newsletter as well as on the resource page.

Final Comments

Candidates who come to learn, are properly prepared, and are willing to work cooperatively with the teacher trainer will gain the most from the experience. It is essential to be well prepared, especially when it comes to moving well and doing the T’ai Chi Chih movements properly.

The emphasis during the Teacher Accreditation course is to help candidates become successful T’ai Chi Chih teachers. When candidates are properly prepared they can enjoy themselves, and benefit from the accreditation process to the fullest extent. Some have stated that their T’ai Chi Chih Teacher Accreditation was the most joyous week of their lives!

Many accredited T’ai Chi Chih teachers look back on their Accreditation course as a significant time of personal transformation. It is often the point where they really began to understand and embody the principles of T’ai Chi Chih, Joy Thru Movement.

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Justin Stone’s

Daily Meditations

26 4×6″ postcards