Justin Stone’s

T’ai Chi Chih


T’ai Chi Chih® is a set of movements completely focused on the development of an intrinsic energy called Chi. It’s easy to learn and usually takes about two months (or eight classes). T’ai Chi Chih (TCC) consists of 19 stand-alone movements and one pose.
T’ai Chi Chih is not a martial art. T’ai Chi Chih is completely non-violent.

T’ai Chi Chih does not require a particular level of physical fitness or coordination. The very old and very young alike can learn it. (For those with physical limitations, movements may be done seated – with some modification.) No special clothing or equipment is required.

By whom, and where, is TCC taught? T’ai Chi Chih may only be taught by accredited TCC teachers. They offer classes in corporate wellness programs; at schools and universities; at senior centers and retreat centers; through Parks and Recreation departments; and at hospitals, churches, and even prisons.

Click here for the T’ai Chi Chih page on Wikipedia.

T’ai Chi Chih is not organized, nor does it have a hierarchical organization, as the originator intended. As Justin Stone says, “T’ai Chi Chih is a service to mankind.” Sandy McAlister is the Guide of T’ai Chi Chih.

Visit justinstonetcc.com

Justin Stone’s

Daily Meditations

26 4×6″ postcards