Justin Stone’s

T’ai Chi Chih!

Joy Thru Movement

“T‘ai Chi Chih® has changed my life,” say many people who practice TCC regularly. In fact, it is one of the most common statements of gratitude TCC originator Justin Stone has heard from students over many years. Improvements in physical, emotional, and mental health are enjoyed by students of all ages – children, teens, young adults, mid-lifers and seniors. The benefits are often quickly apparent to newcomers, as well as cumulative for those who have practiced TCC for years and decades.

Quotations below are from students and teachers, provided here as inspiration and an invitation. This information is not intended to replace any medical treatment by, or perspectives from, your own health care provider.

T’ai Chi Chih Is Often Called ‘Joy Thru Movement’

“One day I was doing TCC in the morning and for a very brief period there simply was joy. It was more like my personality dissolved for a moment; melting into a Joy that is always there. Words cannot really describe it other than to say that in this experience I realized that TCC can provide the opportunity to experience the joy, which exists in every moment of every day if we just step out of the way.” – Doug Harned, TCC teacher (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Spirit: The Spiritual Dimension of T’ai Chi Chih)

“I adore doing TCC. Somehow it helps me notice lots of lovely everyday things, like the exact quality of the sunlight and brilliant blue of the sky.” – Tara (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Spirit: The Spiritual Dimension of T’ai Chi Chih)

the bright
skies overhead
go within
and taste

by Justin Stone, TCC originator
(Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Spirit: The Spiritual Dimension of T’ai Chi Chih)

“Because of TCC, my mind is calmer, my heart is lighter, and I’m feeling very good. I also find that I like myself better. Thank you so very, very much for TCC.” – Carol, TCC student (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences, Vol. II)

“I didn’t realize that I’d lost much of myself over the years. TCC brought me home to find the joy that was always there, waiting to be rediscovered.” – Malinda, TCC teacher (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences, Vol. II)

Unless otherwise indicated, all quotations are printed with permission from The Vital Force, the quarterly journal of T’ai Chi Chih. The Blooming the Flower series and Blooming the Spirit are published by the T’ai Chi Chih Association, Albuquerque, NM.

Justin Stone’s

T’ai Chi Chih!

Joy Thru Movement