Justin Stone’s

Selected Books

“T‘ai Chi Chih® has changed my life,” say many people who practice TCC regularly. In fact, it is one of the most common statements of gratitude TCC originator Justin Stone has heard from students over many years. Improvements in physical, emotional, and mental health are enjoyed by students of all ages – children, teens, young adults, mid-lifers and seniors. The benefits are often quickly apparent to newcomers, as well as cumulative for those who have practiced TCC for years and decades.

Quotations below are from students and teachers, provided here as inspiration and an invitation. This information is not intended to replace any medical treatment by, or perspectives from, your own health care provider.

Weight Comes into Balance for Many TCC Teachers and Students

“One of my students lost 14 pounds and another 45 pounds.” – Athene Mantle, TCC teacher (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences, Vol. II)

“I lost 38 pounds over a three-year period. I didn’t deliberately diet; what changed was what foods my body felt like eating. And the weight continues to balance.” – Ginny Morgan, TCC teacher (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences, Vol. II)

“My weight has gradually decreased also. I am a skeptical person, but since it happened to me, I believe. I give credit to practicing Seijaku (advanced T’ai Chi Chih).” – Eddie Yee, TCC teacher, Salinas, CA (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences, Vol. II)

“I have slimmed down considerably and my skin has been clearing. TCC works as a mental, physical and spiritual tune-up.” – Anna Esparza, TCC student, Whittier, CA

Unless otherwise indicated, all quotations are printed with permission from The Vital Force, the quarterly journal of T’ai Chi Chih. The Blooming the Flower series and Blooming the Spirit are published by the T’ai Chi Chih Association, Albuquerque, NM.

Justin Stone’s

T’ai Chi Chih

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