Justin Stone’s

Selected Books

Types of Events

Events are led by accredited T’ai Chi Chih Trainers to provide helpful suggestions for improving one’s practice and foster a closer connection with other T’ai Chi Chih practitioners.


A one-day event open to students and teachers. Exploring the feel and form of the T’ai Chi Chih practice is at the heart of this event. The focus is centered on the foundation of the form, moving from the center in a soft and flowing manner. Participants explore weight shift, alignment, and the movement patterns.Intensive
This three and a half day course is designed for accredited T’ai Chi Chih teachers, teacher candidates, and serious students (practicing T’ai Chi Chih regularly for at least a year). Immersion in our T’ai Chi Chih practice is the essence of this workshop: starting with our foundation. moving into weight shift, exploring the movement patterns, and learning to let go, allows the whole of the movement to flow from the center. Teachers will learn to develop a discerning eye for seeing what corrections a student needs and how to make them, as well as knowing when they are ready for Teacher Training… and when they are not. 

Teacher Candidates begin the move from student to teacher by taking their practice to another level in preparation for the Teacher Training course, and leave knowing what they still need to improve before attending a Training.

Serious Students immerse themselves in the T’ai Chi Chih form, gaining a stronger connection and flow in their practice.

Student & Teacher Retreat

This two- or three-day event presents an opportunity for students, alongside teachers, to explore their T’ai Chi Chih practice in a relaxed, beautiful retreat setting.

Teacher Retreat

Usually held over a weekend, a retreat setting offers a relaxed atmosphere for teachers to come together and share teaching skills and experiences, and explore our Tai Chi Chih practice in a supportive environment.

Teacher Renewal

This one-day event (usually held two days before a Teacher Training) provides accredited T’ai Chi Chih teachers with an opportunity to renew and deepen their practice.

Teacher Preparation

This can be a half day to a full day workshop. It is a chance for Teacher Candidates to work one-on-one with a Teacher Trainer. This class will help clarify one’s preparedness for attending a Teacher Training course. Teachers will find this course valuable as they gain clarity on what to look for when preparing students for Teacher Training.

Teacher Training

A five and a half day course which prepares prospective teacher candidates to teach the T’ai Chi Chih movements with sincerity and integrity. Candidates refine their T’ai Chi Chih movements and learn how to find suitable teaching locations, set up courses, give presentations, and teach the movements to new students. For more detailed information review the Accreditation Process.

International Conference

The International T’ai Chi Chih Teachers Conference is held annually and is an opportunity for the world-wide T’ai Chi Chih Teaching Community to come together, renew their practice, share teaching tips, and discuss the teaching of T’ai Chi Chih.


Justin Stone’s

T’ai Chi Chih!

Joy Thru Movement