“T‘ai Chi Chih® has changed my life,” say many people who practice TCC regularly. In fact, it is one of the most common statements of gratitude TCC originator Justin Stone has heard from students over many years. Improvements in physical, emotional, and mental health are enjoyed by students of all ages – children, teens, young adults, mid-lifers and seniors. The benefits are often quickly apparent to newcomers, as well as cumulative for those who have practiced TCC for years and decades.
Quotations below are from students and teachers, provided here as inspiration and an invitation. This information is not intended to replace any medical treatment by, or perspectives from, your own health care provider.
Chronic, Traumatic and Migraine Pain All Often Helped by TCC
“‘Serenity’ I answered, when asked what I hoped to gain from my first TCC weekend. My hopes were met, and I continue to practice regularly, thankful for serenity and other benefits I’ve noticed. That first weekend I’d just had cortisone injections into my shoulder to alleviate torn rotator cuff pain. My shoulder, neck and back muscles were a knotted mass of misery; painkillers were frequent companions. Today I am pain-free. My shoulder has healed without surgical intervention. While my physiotherapist deserves a good deal of credit for that reversal, I think that TCC has also been an integral part of the healing package. As I go through my daily practice, I feel my posture improve, my muscles relax and my sense of well-being increase.” – Mildred B.
“In May 2009 I herniated a disc that would take until December to right itself. During that time T’ai Chi Chih was often one of the few things that brought relief.” – Sheila Leonard, TCC teacher, Newfoundland, CN
“TCC helps me keep things in perspective and gives me strength. With my Fibromyalgia and surgeries (including recent neck surgery for a compressed spinal cord), strength is a major problem. By doing TCC I have less pain. It also gives me flexibility and has lowered my blood pressure….” – Fran Green, TCC teacher, Wayne, NJ
“A fancy brochure on foot problems from a podiatrist’s office was an eye-opener for me. I had not considered that T’ai Chi Chih could help improve and even prevent certain foot problems. The brochure describes “Plantar Fasciitis,” a painful condition of the feet when the fascia in the heel and sole of the foot wears thin and begins to tear. This can cause extreme pain….Six Healing Sounds…Anchor Taffy…Rocking Motion… Both the lunge and weight in the heels are beneficial to the feet. Regular practice of these movements is recommended for everyone, whether there is a foot problem or not. The medical applications of TCC movements offer a simple and effective way to maintain healthy and happy feet.” – Linda Braga, TCC teacher, Castro Valley, CA
“My student Barbara Friedman had had pain in her hip and expected to need a replacement hip. After the second day of TCC she had no pain, and on the fifth day, she was running up hills. Needless to say, she fees she no longer needs hip replacement surgery.” – Jean Katus, TCC teacher, Fort Yates, ND (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences)
“I generally have really bad migraines that last for three days. TCC seems to hold them at bay and I don’t get them as often. Medication plus TCC at onset stops them. But with medication alone, they still go full tilt. When I missed TCC a couple of days, I had a really bad three day bent.” – Bev L.
“I’ve had episodes of migraine headaches since I was a teen. Almost none of the medications address the onset of the migraine known as the aura, which in my case caused temporary partial blindness. I attended a Seijaku (advanced TCC) class. One evening I could see the subtle onset of the aura; I immediately started to practice Seijaku. Within 20 minutes, the aura was gone; the headache never arrived. I have not had a migraine since. At last I possess the means to defeat the auras and migraines that plagued me for 30 years. I am finally free.” – John Rogers, Albuquerque, NM (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences)
“When I discovered TCC, I was suffering from visual and physical migraines. I’d been to many specialists and had had diagnostic CAT scans and MRI’s, but nothing was found. The migraines were becoming so frequent and severe that they were disabling me for one or two days a week. My visual migraines have disappeared and the physical ones are rare and less severe. It’s difficult to describe what TCC has done for me other than to say I feel better than I have in years. My friends and family constantly comment on the change. I took seriously Justin’s comments to practice daily because it’s cumulative in your system. I can’t imagine my life without it.” – Pam D., TCC student (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences, Vol. II)
Unless otherwise indicated, all quotations are printed with permission from The Vital Force, the quarterly journal of T’ai Chi Chih. The Blooming the Flower series and Blooming the Spirit are published by the T’ai Chi Chih Association, Albuquerque, NM.
TCC in the News
- “T’ai Chi Chih – Moving Meditation”
- “T’ai Chi Chih Practitioners Believe Balance of Energy Means Balance of Health”
- Find a teacher in your city
- American Pain Foundation
- American Chronic Pain Foundation
- National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Foundation
- National Headache Foundation
- National Pain Foundation
- National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke – Pain
- National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke – Migraine
- Laser Eye Surgery Hub – Migraine