Justin Stone’s

T’ai Chi Chih



“T‘ai Chi Chih® has changed my life,” say many people who practice TCC regularly. In fact, it is one of the most common statements of gratitude TCC originator Justin Stone has heard from students over many years. Improvements in physical, emotional, and mental health are enjoyed by students of all ages – children, teens, young adults, mid-lifers and seniors. The benefits are often quickly apparent to newcomers, as well as cumulative for those who have practiced TCC for years and decades.

Quotations below are from students and teachers, provided here as inspiration and an invitation. This information is not intended to replace any medical treatment by, or perspectives from, your own health care provider.

Mental Gift of Clarity

“The practice of T’ai Chi Chih provides so many physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. As I learned to accept these gifts unconditionally, I was surprised to find that the mental gift of clarity was also included in the benefits package. Beginning my practice I focus on letting go of the day’s chaos, challenges, and unresolved problems….

After the practice is complete, I realize that answers to questions have appeared, realizations are more acute, and understandings of people, situations and my own self are deeper and more profound….They come with unusual clarity….It is now as if a fog has lifted to uncover a crisp blue sky, warm glowing sunshine, and the clear bubbling stream of life. TCC provides access to the subconscious, the inner self. It is where answers reside, where clarity makes it presence known.” – Deb Bertelson, TCC teacher, Maplewood, MN

More Clarity

“For me, regularly slowing down my mind means better quality thinking, improved health, sweeter relationships, and actually getting more done. Just as there are certain exercises for improving a particular set of muscles, TCC has become an exercise that improves my thinking. My mind totally clears when practicing TCC, and I seem to emerge with greater love and wisdom. I can better see the problems with some of my old behaviors and gain the strength and humility to rise above my poor thinking habits. Even tasks previously considered tedious and unlikable become pleasant.” – Larry Bloom, Sandy Springs, GA

More Help Is Here

Insomnia: “I haven’t had a solid night’s sleep in over two years. After three or four weeks of practicing TCC, I’ve had a good night’s sleep every night.” – Elizabeth, TCC student, Newfoundland, CN

Colitis: “I had a diagnosis of colitis. Then I started practicing TCC. When I had my second colonoscopy, the doctor said I had the best looking colon in New Jersey! The colitis has disappeared.” – Sister Antonia, TCC teacher (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences, Vol. II)

High Blood Pressure: “I was prescribed medication for leg swelling due to high blood pressure. I took the medication for almost a year and the results were minimal….I decided to practice (TCC) daily the full amount as recommended. By the end of one month, the blood count had lowered and the medication strength was cut in half. I continued with the daily practice and added a 10- to 15-minute walk, and after six weeks my blood pressure was slightly less than normal. The medication was cut to one dose every three or four days. T’ai Chi Chih was prescribed on a continuing basis.” – Nellie B. Stahl, TCC student (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences, Vol. II)

Bronchitis & Asthma: “I always got bronchitis twice a year and was put on antibiotics plus three kinds of meds for asthma. I haven’t taken two of the meds since starting TCC. I’ve only had one asthma attack since classes began. I haven’t had one bronchial infection since starting TCC.” – Donna, TCC student (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences, Vol. II)

Stroke: “Within one session she was feeling in her left foot. Within three sessions she was getting lurching reactions….I really feel that the T’ai Chi Chih discipline, in combination with these techniques, has helped her progress much faster than she would have otherwise.” – Ray Watson, TCC teacher, Batavia, NY, speaking of his student who a year before had had a stroke and was paralyzed on her left side (hand, arm, hip, leg and foot) with very little progress and had stopped going to therapy sessions. (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences)

Multiple sclerosis: “TCC has helped me tremendously with my balance, and the spasms and pain in my legs and arms have subsided considerably.” – Janet Clarkson, RN, TCC student, Mt. View, CA (Reprinted with permission from Blooming the Flower: T’ai Chi Chih Experiences)

Unless otherwise indicated, all quotations are printed with permission from The Vital Force, the quarterly journal of T’ai Chi Chih. The Blooming the Flower series and Blooming the Spirit are published by the T’ai Chi Chih Association, Albuquerque, NM.

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Justin Stone’s

T’ai Chi Chih

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