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Seijaku Meditation Retreat on Zoom
Taught by TCC Teacher Trainer Daniel Pienciak
Zoom host Linda Jones


WHAT: An Autumn weekend retreat on Zoom for reviewing Seijaku which, along with meditation, offers greatly enhanced benefits and an even more profound experience of Chi. Justin Stone’s “Turiya” method of quiet, “place of no thought” meditation will also be experienced.


FOR WHOM: The weekend is open to students who know T’ai Chi Chih well and practice regularly; or students who have studied Seijaku and wish to review; or TCC and/or Seijaku accredited teachers who wish to review and continue to learn more.


PRICE: suggested per person $225 (or send $125 deposit)

If you are experiencing severe financial hardship, you can send what you are able to.

Register / send balance due no later than Nov 4th.

The number of participants may be limited so please register as early as possible.


Download the registration form.

Questions: Email or call 732 988 5573 (no texting please)