Seijaku Retreat in Pennsylvania with Dan Pienciak
July 29, 2019 - August 1, 2019
Seijaku (the “Advanced Form” of T’ai Chi Chih) | Meditation Retreat! with Teacher Trainer Daniel Pienciak.
What: A summer weekday retreat setting for reviewing Seijaku (or learning Seijaku) which offers increased benefits and an even more profound experience of Chi. Justin Stone’s “Turiya” method of quiet, “place of no thought” meditation will also be experienced.
TIME: 4pm Monday, July 29 / Departure: 1 pm Thursday, Aug 2 (after lunch)
For Whom? The weekend is open to: Students who know T’ai Chi Chih well and practice regularly, OR students who have studied Seijaku and wish to review, OR TCC and/or Seijaku accredited teachers who wish to review and/or learn more.
PRICE: $395 before June 1st (or send $250** deposit) / $425 after June 1st.
REGISTER / send balance NO LATER THAN July 10th.
Check payable to Daniel Pienciak, AJ Wellness Seijaku, PO Box 231, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720*
Includes: (tuition, meals, single room accommodations, private baths)
Number of participants may be limited SO PLEASE REGISTER AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE! **If the event draws good participation, balance due might be a bit less if possible. ALL BALANCES DUE in my PO Box NO LATER THAN July 15th.