Conference Chi

T’ai Chi Chih is a mindfulness-moving meditation practice that’s easy to learn. The series of 19 movements and one pose helps circulate the Vital Energy, the Chi. Practitioners experience peace, improved health, and many more benefits. Our free monthly e-newsletter offers inspiration between issues of the TCC quarterly journal, The Vital Force, in which teachers and students tell stories about ways they’ve benefited from the practice. 

TCC is complete. – Justin F. Stone, TCC Originator

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From the recent issue of The Vital Force:

New beginnings: “After our heartwarming 50th-anniversary conference in Albuquerque, I was reminded by the Chi again that TCC is a gift for myself and the world. I’d been inactive, idle, passive, and unmoving this past year. My body hurt, but the conference called me: ‘Come.’ I enjoyed the seated TCC presentation and stood when I could. I felt a mixture of stiffness and ease and I felt the Chi inside me and all around us. All the love was there. At a neighbourhood block party after I returned…. Several people were interested in learning TCC. We’ll start a class in our cul-de-sac, on the road, or in my yard. People will come when they can. Then we’ll decide what to do next. The Chi certainly was ‘busy’ at our conference. My heart was touched in a way that called me to step up and do more. To have the courage to be me.” GT, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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Editor’s Note: Learn more from TCC teachers with more than 25 years of experience in the August issue of The Vital Force.

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Growing awareness: “The experience was transformational. I not only felt it  while there; the effects have been rippling through me since I returned, almost as a different person. Yet how do I put into words such a deep and somatic experience? When a friend asked about my biggest take-aways, I replied with two ‘understandings’: (1) A realization about how courage shows up for each of us, and (2) ‘The courage to be nonjudgmental.’… To focus on our similarities instead of our differences. Bring our awareness here. Let go of the future…. Focus on understanding the movements…. The longer I practice, the more there is to learn.” – LS, Fort Collins, CO

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Going deeper: “I’m so deeply moved by the comments people have made about opening up the sacred aspect of our practice (in my video talk). I was terribly sad not to be at the conference. It sounded like a warm bath of comforting Chi to all who attended. Seeing each other in person, hugging and sharing must have been incredible. But I can also see that what happened was meant to be.” – LJ, Minneapolis, MN

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Clearly focus: The task of a TCC teacher is to teach people how to do TCC. Period. It is not to ally TCC with any spiritual or religious movement, which would be fatal to TCC. It is not to gradually be merged with a religion, spiritual movement, Reiki, Maharishi’s teaching or Yogananda’s traditions — these are completely apart from TCC…. Asked many times to perform T’ai Chi Ch’uan, I refused. To do so would have just been showing off…. TCC is complete…. Justin F. Stone

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Where in the World have you been doing T’ai Chi Chih? Share your images for our gallery.

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Subscribe to The Vital Force. Our quarterly journal offers engaging stories, hints, and insights from TCC teachers and students. We also highlight wisdom by, and photos rarely seen of, originator Justin Stone.

Published On: September 8th, 2024Categories: Vital Force e-Newsletter

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Justin Stone’s

T’ai Chi Chih


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