TCC Practice in the Time of COVID-19, Part 4

T’ai Chi Chih is a mindfulness moving meditation practice that’s easy to learn. The series of 19 movements and one pose helps circulate the Vital Energy, the Chi. Practitioners experience peace, improved health and many more benefits. Our free monthly e-newsletter offers inspiration between issues of the TCC quarterly journal, The Vital Force, in which teachers and students tell stories about ways they’ve benefited from the practice. 

We do T’ai Chi Chih, circulating and balancing the Chi.Justin F. Stone, TCC Originator

From a recent issue of The Vital Force:

Expanding: “I’ve been doing a daily Zoom TCC practice and guided meditation since March 2020. The experience has no words. It has only the experience from deep within of flowing from the center easily, naturally, in connection with everyone over the wave of the Internet. The Chi is the true teacher…. TCC is the master of all the grace that is happening within, through and around us. I’m learning to let go of resistance in my body, at a deeper level, by expanding my bones, muscles and mind, giving space for the Chi to flow and fill me up, transform me…. When there is chaos, we need to go deeper inside to find the softness, the peace, the joy that lie dormant within us.” LL, Prairie Village, KS

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Deepening: “In 18 years of practicing TCC and 15 of teaching it, I’ve become more flexible physically and mentally. I’ve needed to adapt and change because of situations beyond my control. TCC helped me respond to new realities…. This COVID-19 pandemic has caused major changes in all our lives. What I’ve noticed most? The quiet. Planes were grounded, car traffic was reduced and construction where I live diminished. Birds filled the air with inspiring songs. The quiet and isolation have given me time to deepen my practice.” – SB, Bloomington, MN

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Playing: “I was dreaming about vacations, and then COVID-19 hit…. How can we get the experience of a vacation without travel?… Through TCC we travel inward. TCC helps us fully let go. Novelty, playfulness, nature and gratitude all are ways ‘in’ – we can get them at home with TCC.” – LS, Fort Collins, CO

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Long before I lived with the Yogis in the Himalayas and Zen monks in Japan, I realized that neither the psychological nor the intellectual can be of help. The metabolism must change, and I have found nothing but working with the Chi that will make such a change…. Chi (called the ‘life force’ or ‘the vital force’) is the building block of all life. When it is out of balance or not circulating, the life goes haywire. –  Justin F. Stone

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Where in the World have you been doing T’ai Chi Chih? Share your images for our gallery.

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Published On: September 15th, 2020Categories: Vital Force e-Newsletter

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Justin Stone’s

Daily Meditations

26 4×6″ postcards

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