Justin Stone’s

Selected Books

T’ai Chi Chih International Teacher Conference

August 11-13, 2023 (Friday through Sunday)

Online via Zoom


Remembering Connection is our theme for 2023, as we come together to share our Chi in a virtual conference.  We will hear from and move with a wide variety of teachers excerpted from previous conferences and other videos.  We will have different types of breakout sessions to talk, connect and move together.  We will even hear from and practice with Justin.  Let’s remember how the practice of T’ai Chi Chih connects us on the journey to experience more while doing less.


Friday, August 11 & Saturday, August 12

6:30 am PDT / 9:30 EDT => Share a morning beverage with attendees

7:00 am PDT / 9:30 am EDT => Morning practice

8:00 am PDT / 10:30 am EDT => Presentations, breakout sessions, and interactive sharing with ample breaks during the day

4:15 pm PDT / 7:15 pm EDT => Closing practice

5:00 pm PDT / 8:00 PDT =>  Zoom room open for 30 minutes for social interaction among teachers


Sunday, August 13

Same beginning schedule times but the conference ends at 1:00 pm PDT / 4:00 pm EDT

1:00 pm PDT / 4:00 pm EDT  => Zoom room open for 30 minutes for social interaction among teachers


A full detailed schedule will be available before the August 1 registration cutoff.


Conference registration is open to all accredited teachers until August 1!  The cost to attend the virtual conference is a suggested donation of only $75.  International TCC Teachers living outside of the USA are invited to register at no cost.  Scholarship funds are available to assist any teacher with donation support. Register and donate now for the Zoom conference using this link: 2023 TCC Intl. Teacher Conf. Registration or type the following https://bit.ly/TCCTeacherConf2023 into your browser.  Follow the detailed instructions on the registration website for making your donation.  Hurry to register before the fast-approaching August 1 cutoff.  Access to all of this year’s conference videos requires prior registration even if you cannot attend the scheduled Zoom sessions but want to view videos later.


All teachers are welcome!  Come and have fun with us, uncover connections, and enjoy the Joy Through Movement®.

Justin Stone’s

Selected Books