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Continuing the Connection: 2021 T’ai Chi Chih Teacher Conference

June 24th-27th, 2021

Held Virtually on Zoom

Look who’s coming to the conference (as of June 13th)


Continuing the Connection is our theme for 2021, join us to share our Chi in a virtual conference.




TEACHER REGISTRATION is $200 and must be received by June 15. Teachers outside the US and those accredited after May 2019 pay only $160. Your Registration forms must be completed and full payment of $200 received by June 15.

If your plans change, request a cancellation by June 15 to receive a full refund. After June 15, a $25 cancellation fee may apply.


STUDENT REGISTRATION is open! Deadline for registration and payment of $35 is June 15. Encourage your students to register soon using the Student Registration form  and join us for sessions and practice on Saturday, June 26th.


THE CONFERENCE PLANNING TEAM looks forward to seeing you at the virtual conference!

Conference Co-Coordinators: Lisa Stroyan and Margery Erickson

Conference Registration Chairpersons: Lorel Maple and Jim Maple

Opening Ceremony/T-shirts: Stephen Thompson

Publicity Chairperson: Judy Kistler-Robinson

Programming Chairperson: Sky Young-Wick

Technology Chairperson: Barbara Thurber

Technical Consultant: Charlise Latour

Foundation Webmaster: Laurie Thomas



Look who’s coming to the conference (as of June 13th)

Student Registration – http://bit.ly/StudentTCCTeachersConf21