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Teacher Accreditation on Zoom
September 29th – October 7th, 2023
Lead by April Leffler, TCC Teacher Trainer
Hosted Online by teacher Lisa Stroyan


Course Fee:  $650; some scholarships available. A $250 refundable deposit will hold your space. Balance due by September 1st, 2023. The course is limited to 12 candidates.


Course Schedule:  Friday afternoon September 29th through early afternoon Saturday, October 7th. Monday the 2nd and Thursday the 5th will be offline course time to rest and get your eyes off the screen, work with auditing teachers, and review what you have learned. Evenings provide time to work on your movements and presentation.  You MUST be able to attend all course sessions in order to be accredited; please talk with the host if you have concerns. Morning practices (with the host, auditing teachers, or video recording) are optional but highly recommended.


Registration: After registering at bit.ly/TCC2023TeacherTrainingOnline, mail your deposit or full payment to the host using the form at bit.ly/TCC2023TeacherTraining, or, use Paypal; free if you have or set up a PayPal account connected with your bank and send using “Friends and Family”; otherwise a $20 fee for the total is imposed by PayPal. Ask the host for details.


Scholarships may be available for up to $325 per person for Teacher Training for those who need financial assistance. The course host approves the scholarship request based on the availability of funds. Please inquire about scholarship availability with the course host who will send you an application form.


Location: This course will be live online using Zoom. You do not need a Zoom account. You will receive an emailed link to click to join the daily sessions.  You will need a computer (or tablet/iPad hooked up to an external display) with a camera and microphone. You will need to be able to see the screen while the trainer can see you from head to toe. The bigger the screen, the easier it will be for you to see. Having a connection between your device and a large-screen TV or external monitor is highly recommended.  An external webcam is also helpful, as it can be placed further back to show you from head to toe while you are closer to the display. Please contact the host with any questions about your computer setup.


Meals are on your own. Please plan meals ahead and either have them prepared in advance or put them together quickly.


Attending an Intensive prior to Teacher Training is a prerequisite as of 1-1-2021. On your registration, please indicate the dates of the Intensive you’ve attended or registered for, and who was or will be the Teacher Trainer.


Before Attending Teacher Training, familiarize yourself with the information on https://taichichih.org/accreditation. Then see the general guidelines at https://taichichih.org/guidelines/. Download, read in detail, and print the Teacher Accreditation Referral Form: https://taichichih.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Referral-Form-and-TP-Guidelines-1022.pdf.


Attending an Intensive prior to Teacher Training is a prerequisite as of 1-1-2021. On your registration, please indicate the dates of the Intensive you’ve attended or registered for, and who was or will be the Teacher Trainer.


Signature Referral by Two Active, Accredited TCC Instructors:  You will work with two mentoring teachers. When the two instructors are confident that you are ready to attend Teacher Accreditation, they will SIGN your referral form (available on the website above or from the course host, which is valid for 6 months after the signatures).  Send the ORIGINAL signed form to the Course Trainer (April Leffler, 702 Prospect Ave; Prospect Park, PA 19076).  Send a COPY to the Host (Lisa Stroyan, 812 Sandy Cove Lane, Fort Collins, CO 80525, or scan and send to [email protected]).  This need not be sent with your registration form.  It can be sent with your final payment, and your registration in the course is not complete until the Host receives it.


Accreditation is not guaranteed by the referral form nor by your attendance at the course.  Your accreditation certificate is awarded at the end of the course at the sole discretion of the Course Trainer. That said, your success is our success, and the Teacher Trainer makes every effort to prepare candidates and will keep students apprised of their progress and readiness throughout the training.


To assure your space, send in your deposit and registration form as early as possible. Your final payment and Referral Form are due 30 days prior to the course.  Your deposit will be refunded in full if you cancel before September 1st, 2023.


Auditors are welcome and will be considered if space is available. There is no cost to audit as an accredited T’ai Chi Chih teacher. You must make a reservation with the online host, Lisa Stroyan.



Registration Form to fill out online:

Printable Registration and/or Payment form:



Questions? Contact Lisa Stroyan at 1-970-223-4223 or here).