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T’ai Chi Chih Intensive with Teacher Trainer Pam Towne.

This course is designed for:

TEACHERS: Develop a discerning eye for seeing what corrections your students need, and gain greater insight as to when your students are ready for Teacher Training/Accreditation.

TEACHER CANDIDATES: This course is an invaluable part of preparation for Teacher Training/ Accreditation. It will help you know what you need to work on in preparation for Teacher Accreditation.

STUDENTS: This course is for students who have been practicing T’ai Chi Chih for at least one year. You will gain greater ease, flow and confidence in your T’ai Chi Chih movements.

REGISTER EARLY. Space is limited to 20 people.


$560 Includes tuition, 4 nights, 10 meals, and private room. The earlier you register, the better your chances are of having a private bath. Commuter fee: $420.

Program begins at 7:00pm on Thursday. You may arrive after 4pm on Sunday (dinner on your own) and leave at noon on Thursday (lunch on your own).

Scholarships: Limited scholarships are available up to a maximum of $125. These are granted on financial need basis. The Scholarship Application Form must be returned with the Event Registration Form at least 30 days prior to the course.

Download the information above here.

Download a registration form here.