Teacher Resources
Press kit materials provided by Kim Grant. Feel free to use the press releases verbatim (after inserting your own contact info and story). Click on the following links to open the related MS Word documents.
A.) Materials to Include in the Press Kit
B.) Sample Press Release for a New Class
C.) Sample Press Release for an Event
D.) “Backgrounder”
E.) Getting Coverage
F.) Talking Points
Replacement accreditation certificates are available from Pam Towne for $10.00.
See these conference pages for information on:
2022: T/K
2021: Take Your Teacher Listing Page to the Next Level; Seijaku for TCC Teachers; Community Updates for justinstonetcc.com + The Vital Force + taichichih.org; Teacher Conference History
2019: Building Community through T’ai Chi Chih; Awakening the Energy Within; TCC Notes for Parkinson’s Students; Beyond The Brain: The Spiritual Aspect of Ta’i Chi Chih; Reflections & Observations On The Adaptation Of Ta’i Chi Chih To Aging; Remembrance Of Justin Stone; The Grounding, Healing Effect Of T’ai Chi Chih: Applications To Trauma & PTSD
2017: Continuity: expansion & contraction, taffies, energy, feeling the Chi, grounding, hip swivel, seated TCC, forward and back weight shift, sharing the Chi video and the brain on TCC video
2016: Getting TCC taught in colleges and prisons, growing your local community using Facebook, ongoing classes, community updates, and more
2013: TCC Accreditation framework, working with habit energies, Prajna, Tools for teaching, TEDx and joyful feet
2012: TCC and technology, protecting your body from injury during TCC practice and helping students with home practice