Expect the Unexpected

T’ai Chi Chih is a mindfulness moving meditation practice that’s easy to learn. The series of 19 movements and one pose helps circulate the Vital Energy, the Chi. Practitioners experience peace, improved health and many more benefits. Our free monthly e-newsletter offers inspiration between issues of the TCC quarterly journal, The Vital Force, in which teachers and students tell stories about ways they’ve benefitted from the practice. 

If one can flow easily with the current, all goes well. – Justin F. Stone, TCC Originator

From a recent issue of The Vital Force:

“Arriving in Albuquerque, I did not even know which freeway exit to take. I emerged on a main street and parked in front of a bookstore. Inside, I asked some unimportant questions. The man behind the counter idly inquired what sort of work I did, and I gave the first answer that came into my head: ‘I guess I teach T’ai Chi Ch’uan.’ Immediately two students jumped up from behind the books and said, ‘We’ve been waiting along time for a T’ai Chi teacher to arrive.’ I protested that I was not in Albuquerque to stay, had no place to live, no studio in which to teach. All the answers were forthcoming, however. Within a few days, six weekly classes had been organized at a nearby yoga academy…. Writing books and other things followed (as though prearranged – all, seemingly, because of an urge to go to a strange city and a careless answer to a question).” – Justin F. Stone

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“I attended teacher accreditation in 2017 in Rochester, Minnesota because I wanted to deepen my practice. At age 70, I felt an urgency to embrace T’ai Chi Chih; my sitting meditation and the TCC practice had awakened a certain sensibility. Towards the end of accreditation week, we received comprehensive advice about how to start a class. I didn’t absorb the information fully because I had no intention of teaching until after the New Year.

“When the Thomas fire hit our Ventura, California community in December 2017, my dear mentor and teacher had to evacuate her home and move to Malibu. Because she couldn’t continue teaching classes in Ventura, she asked me to step in. I had studied with her for many months and so admired and respected her that I felt compelled to say yes.

“I began teaching three classes for seniors over age 50 and was nervous about being in front of people and also shaky about my teaching ability. Would I say and do what is right? How could I follow my teacher’s skill and sensitivity? Now, as a full year of teaching approaches, I love teaching and my heart is full of gratitude. I’ve learned to relax, advice I give to my students all the time. I take my mistakes in stride: ‘I’ll do better next time.’ The students have been beautifully supportive and patient. It’s been a great gift meeting so many good-hearted and kind people.” – CB, Ventura, CA

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“When a woman came to her first beginner’s TCC class, she looked around and started walking out. I asked, ‘What’s wrong?’ She said it wasn’t for her, but another student overheard her, struck up a conversation, and she stayed. During the class introduction I explained that the movements could be done seated if necessary, and I demonstrated. During the first two warm-up movements the woman who had almost left became short of breath. She proceeded to do the remaining movements seated but stood for the last review movement. The next week she returned.” – ME, Hanover, PA

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Where in the World? Visit our website for photos of TCC practice around the globe. Submit your own.

Want more inspiration? Want connection with the global TCC community? Want tips for a better practice? Join us:

1) Subscribe to The Vital Force. Our quarterly journal offers engaging stories, hints and insights from TCC teachers and students. We also highlight wisdom by, and photos rarely seen of, originator Justin Stone.

2) Subscribe to this monthly e-newsletter by sending an email.

Published On: February 7th, 2019Categories: Vital Force e-NewsletterTags:

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Justin Stone’s

Daily Meditations

26 4×6″ postcards

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