TCC Inspiration Far and Wide
T’ai Chi Chih is a mindfulness moving meditation practice that’s easy to learn. The series of 19 movements and one pose helps circulate the Vital Energy, the Chi. Practitioners experience peace, improved health and many more benefits. Our free monthly e-newsletter offers inspiration between issues of the TCC quarterly journal, The Vital Force, in which teachers and students tell stories about ways they’ve benefitted from the practice.
“As awareness grows, so does joy.” – Justin F. Stone, TCC Originator
Quotations from the most recent issue of The Vital Force
Life-changing: “Of all the wonderful lessons T’ai Chi Chih has taught me, let go is the one that has really changed my life. We know the mind alters Chi, and Chi alters the mind. As we learn to let go physically during our TCC and Seijaku practices, our minds are learning to let go too. . . .During my second year of practicing TCC, I was introduced to Justin Stone’s Abandon Hope, that book with the grim-sounding title. I believe the let-go moments in TCC allowed my mind to open to the book’s lesson – a lesson anything but grim.” – A student in the West
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Calming: “TCC is calming for me and helps create a moment of peace. It has helped me in situations of stress or anger to become more cool-headed and handle these emotions better in the moment. I feel the ground beneath me and the air touching my skin while I practice. The sounds of people and buildings fade away and the white noise of the area comes forward. TCC is helping me become a better version of myself in this world.” – BM, Albuquerque, NM
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Grounding: “When I came to T’ai Chi Chih accreditation, I didn’t know I could…
listen with such attentiveness that words reformed into pure, clear thoughts;
observe with precise intention to notice the nest of changes in movements;
feel with grounded balance and stand strong upon this earth;
sense to the core of my t’an tien and find a center of gratitude.
But I could do all of this because I surrendered to the challenge.”
– SC at March 2018 Teacher Training
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Connecting: “During the practice of TCC, I am transported to a state where I am not required to think, worry or plan. I am simply me, in my purest, calmest state. I don’t have to think about how slow or fast I am going, because my body knows what’s right for me. My spirit, rather than my mind, guides me. It brings me one step closer, every day, to living life completely in the present and keeping myself as true and connected as I can be.” – JR, Albuquerque, NM
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Balancing: “It means you must ‘Let go!’ Every spiritual path simply asks you to ‘Let go!’ But this means to ignore your habitual thought patterns, your ingrained energy patterns and that is difficult to consciously do. The circulation and balancing of these energy patterns in T’ai Chi Chih practice can do it for you effortlessly.” – Justin Stone
*TCC watercolors by Judy Kistler-Robinson
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Want more inspiration? Want connection with the global TCC community? Want tips for a better practice? Join us:
1) Subscribe to The Vital Force. Our quarterly journal offers engaging stories, hints and insights from TCC teachers and students. We also highlight wisdom by, and photos rarely seen of, originator Justin Stone.
2) Subscribe to this monthly e-newsletter by sending an email.