TCC Practice in all Circumstances
T’ai Chi Chih is a mindfulness moving meditation practice that’s easy to learn. The series of 19 movements and one pose helps circulate the Vital Energy, the Chi. Practitioners experience peace, improved health and many more benefits. Our free monthly e-newsletter offers inspiration between issues of the TCC quarterly journal, The Vital Force, in which teachers and students tell stories about ways they’ve benefitted from the practice.
“As the clouds are brushed away, awareness grows from the inside, and it always goes from the limited individual outlook to the universal.” – Justin F. Stone, TCC Originator
Quotations from the most recent issue of The Vital Force
“TCC For All Seasons: It’s early March in Philadelphia. Twelve degrees and gusty winds. Biting icy snow and sleet still falling on already icy streets…. I’m going to the annual Philadelphia Flower Show. By the time I board my home-bound train later, I’m happily exhausted, fall asleep, and wake to hear the conductor announcing the next stop – not on my route. I had boarded the train heading the opposite direction from home. The next stop is an isolated one with no indoor shelter…. I gather my belongings and am the only person leaving the train.
It’s even colder, even windier, and the icy snow is still blowing. Ah…a sheltered bench and enough time to do a full TCC practice. It’s cold, but I’m mostly out of the wind, and Rocking Motion feels like the greatest blessing ever. Bird Flaps its Wings stares a gust of wind in the face. The “Platters,” Bass Drum and the “Daughters” are solid against the elements. Carrying the Ball – of persistence – to the Side. Pushing the cold away and Pulling in the warming Chi…. With the final grounding, I realize I’m warm and centered.” – ND, Wallingford, PA
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“Evolution Through Chi: After 30 years of teaching TCC, I’m experiencing a deeper appreciation of Justin Stone’s approach to ‘Evolution Through Chi’ (1991 booklet)…. I’ve always approached my TCC practice and teaching with as much teh (inner sincerity) as possible, including gratefully accepting movement corrections over the years. I’m still trying to incorporate the many personal suggestions made by Justin. But after four years of teaching at a nursing home, I don’t focus on correcting students doing their very best to follow the movements….
My experiences increasingly bear witness to Justin’s claim that teaching TCC is an important way for us to serve as ‘Divine Agents of evolution.’ I feel that my most important ‘service to mankind,’ right here, right now, is to allow the TCC movements to support the evolution these residents are undergoing in the final years or months of their lives. Many of them are too demented to communicate with others at any significant level. It touches my heart more deeply than I can express when I see the eyes of stroke survivors and people with Alzheimer’s begin to shine as they feel enhanced Chi circulation.” – HH, Fern Forest, HI
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“Boulder: It had been two years since Andy passed. He loved attending the TCC teacher conferences, and we had attended most since our certification in San Antonio in 2000. Since he and I co-taught all our TCC classes, the thought of attending without him was something I couldn’t consider until this year.… It was wonderful seeing old friends, teachers and making new friends. But it brought back many bittersweet memories of the fun and learning Andy and I had together…. I hadn’t taught TCC since Andy’s passing but before the conference, I was asked to teach the residents of The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. After much consideration, I took this as a sign. Andy would have wanted me to do it.
After the first class I received a request to teach at an assisted living complex, where I now offer standing and seated TCC. Andy and I had never taught seated TCC, and learning more about seated TCC was one of my main focuses at the conference. I am so thankful to have attended. Being with teachers was very healing, and I thank everyone for their kindness and friendship.” – BA, Highland, IL
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1) Subscribe to The Vital Force. Our quarterly journal offers engaging stories, hints and insights from TCC teachers and students. We also highlight wisdom by, and photos rarely seen of, originator Justin Stone.
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