*TCC Intensive with Daniel Pienciak
June 7, 2023 - June 11, 2023
| USD $300T’ai Chi Chih® Intensive
June 7 – 11, 2023
In Your Own Home Via Zoom
Led by Teacher Trainer, Daniel Pienciak
Hosted by Carolyn Pogwist
Serious students (who have practiced regularly for at least a year) will immerse themselves in T’ai Chi Chih, gaining a greater flow of Chi, as well as a deeper understanding and appreciation of this beneficial practice.
Limited to 14 participants, so reserve your space now.
TIMES: We suggest opening Zoom room at least 20 minutes in advance for these major events. Hours are as follows (Eastern Daylight Time):
Wed (6/7), Fri (6/9), and Sat (6/10) are all “all day” from 10:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. (with 15-minute break mid-session) followed by a longer break and then 2:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (with 15-minute break mid-session).
Sun (6/11) is from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. with a 15-minute break mid-session.
PRICE: Tuition for this four-day course is $300 (if paying by check) or $311 (if using PayPal). Partial scholarships are available for those who would not be able to attend without financial assistance. Contact Carolyn for a simple Scholarship Application form.
Online course using Zoom. You will receive an emailed link to click to join the sessions. You can use a computer or tablet with a camera and microphone. The larger the screen, the easier it will be for you to see. Having a connection between your device and a large-screen TV or monitor is ideal. For those who are enrolled in this Intensive as a fulfillment of the requirement for Accreditation later this year, your using a large TV screen for your viewing is an expectation, not merely a recommendation. It is also very important for the trainer to be able to see you onscreen from head to toe. The use of a good separate “webcam” can often be very helpful in this.
Meals are up to you. It is recommended that you plan meals ahead and either have them prepared in advance or simply put them together quickly. You will have the option of eating with a small group in a Zoom breakout room during the meal break. This will facilitate getting to know people better, just as you would during meals if we were in person.
Download the registration form here.