TCC Intensive with Pam Towne
June 17, 2024 - June 21, 2024
| USD $800 – USD $850T’ai Chi Chih® Intensive
June 17-21, 2024
Prince of Peace Abbey Retreat Center Oceanside, California
Led by Teacher Trainer, Pam Towne
Hosted by Marie Dotts
Designed for teachers, teacher candidates, and serious students.
The focus of the Intensive will be on How to Move well for the greatest flow of Chi.
Flowing from the Center, Yinning and Yanging correctly, and Moving with Softness.
The heart of the Intensive will be refining & deepening your T’ai Chi Chih practice.
Teachers will also learn to develop a discerning eye for seeing what corrections students need, as well as knowing when they are ready for Teacher Accreditation … and when they are not. You will have a wonderful opportunity to connect with Pam and other teachers, as well as earn 30 hours of CEUs.
Teacher Candidates will receive a required part of your preparation for the Teacher Accreditation course, and leave knowing what you still need to work on beforehand.
Serious Students (who have practiced regularly for at least a year) will immerse themselves in T’ai Chi Chih, gaining a greater flow of Chi, as well as a deeper understanding and appreciation of this beneficial practice.
Limited to 20 participants, so reserve your space now!
Dates/Times: The Intensive begins on Monday, with check-in from 3 pm to 4 pm, and ends with lunch on Friday. On Monday we will begin with a TCC practice at 5 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m., and an introductory group activity at 7 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday hours are 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with a lunch break and evening group activities. Friday will be 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. followed by lunch.
Pricing: Includes instruction and 4 nights lodging (single or double occupancy, Monday through Thursday nights) and 12 meals (Monday dinner through Friday lunch).
Pre- or Post-event Lodging: May be available at the Retreat Center. You can also check online for local hotels or for accommodations.
Uber and Lyft are available from Oceanside Amtrak station or San Diego Airport to Retreat Center. Driving directions will be sent later.
Partial Scholarships are available for those who would not be able to attend without some financial assistance. To receive a Scholarship Application please contact the course host.
Questions? Email Marie at [email protected].
Download the registration form here.