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T’ai Chi Chih Intensive
with Teacher Trainer April Leffler
October 25-29 2024
Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center
1920 Streetman Drive
Lithia, FL 33547
(Fly into Tampa International Airport)


This course is for:

TEACHERS: Develop a discerning eye for seeing what corrections your students need, and gain greater insight as to when your students are ready for Teacher Accreditation.

TEACHER CANDIDATES: This course is required within six months of taking Teacher Accreditation. It will help you know what you need to work on in preparation for Teacher Accreditation.

STUDENTS: This course is for students who have been practicing T’ai Chi Chih for at least one year. You will gain greater ease, flow, and confidence in your T’ai Chi Chih movements.

Name ___________________________________________________
Teacher’s Name ____________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________
City ________________ State Province _____ Zip ______
Cell ______________________________
Email _____________________________
Circle one: Serious Student   Teacher   Candidate Teacher



Semi-Private Room: $650 Includes: course tuition, 4 nights room (2 beds per room), shared bath, meals

Commuter: $550 Includes: course tuition, meals (no overnight room)

The Intensive begins Friday with group practice at 6 and dinner at 7 pm (you are welcome to arrive after 3 pm) and ends on Tuesday at noon (lunch on your own).

Please indicate any special dietary needs/allergies.

Cedarkirk offers gluten-free and vegetarian options. If dietary needs exceed GF or Vegetarian, please bring supplements or make arrangements to order necessary items.

A limited number of scholarships of $150 toward the course are available to those with financial need who meet the criteria. Financial assistance for excessive air travel costs is also available on a financial need basis.

A deposit of $300 holds your space. The deadline for the balance due is July 20, 2024.

Please fill out this registration form and send it with your check made out to: “Anita Vestal” Anita Vestal, 2909 W. Barcelona St, Apt 406, Tampa FL 33629. Other forms of payment include Venmo, Paypal, or Zelle 813-418-014.

Questions/ Concerns? please contact Anita at 813-418-0146 (text or phone) or [email protected].


Download the registration form here.