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Cultivating Wisdom | Zoom | JULY 22 – 24, 2022

This year’s 2022 Conference for teachers, Cultivating Wisdom, is condensed into two full days and a short evening, beginning July 22, Friday (6:00-8:30 pm Eastern) and continuing Saturday and Sunday, July 23-24, 10:00 am -7:00 pm Eastern.

The shorter schedule reflects simplicity, with time for teachers to share insights together. Some features of a three-day schedule simply do not fit into our two-day schedule. So that teachers may have enough time together to share insights, students will not be invited to join us this year. We teach T’ai Chi Chih in hopes that through practice, our students may develop their insight or “wisdom.”  Let’s plan to Cultivate Wisdom and Joy at this year’s conference!

Check out the 2022 Teachers’ Conference preliminary schedule here.

Look who’s coming to the conference — encourage your friends from Accreditation to join us!


The Conference Planning Team looks forward to seeing you at the virtual conference!

Conference Coordinator –  Eliza Fulton (email)

Assistant Coordinator – Anita Vestal

Conference RegistrarsJim and Lorel Maple

Communications Judy Kistler-Robinson

Programming Judy Chancey and Sky Young-Wick

Volunteer Coordinator – Linda Jones